Versatile Multi-Wick Jars for Candle Making - Peach State Candle Supply

Versatile Multi-Wick Jars for Candle Making

Aug 17, 2022Gwendolyn E.

Our 3-wick Tumbler jars are in-stock, contemporary and can be used for multiple purposes.

The 4.06 diameter of the jar makes it versatile to be a two or triple wicked product. The diameter allows not only the diameter of the flame-throw to be equal but allows for more scent throw from your finished product. The 3.5 inch tall glass fits perfectly with a wooden lid, making this duo-product adaptable for sleek, contemporary, or even farmhouse décor.


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Comments (1)

  • Hello,

    How much are your candle jars? im interested in the glass ones


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